About Funny Dreams

Who we are?

We are a passionate indie game development team dedicated to creating timeless games infused with a contemporary flair. Our mission revolves around crafting innovative gaming experiences that seamlessly blend the essence of the classics with cutting-edge technology and design. At the heart of our vision lies a deep appreciation for the gaming heritage that has paved the way for today's industry. We strive to honor the iconic classics that have shaped the gaming world while injecting fresh perspectives and creative twists that captivate modern audiences.

Funny Dreams was founded back in 2022 by Iván Martínez and each game is now created by a team of people working remotely from all over the world. Our goal is to make game we love to develop and play!

What we do

Our commitment to authenticity ensures that every game we create resonates with gamers of all generations. We believe in delivering more than just entertainment; we aim to transport players into immersive worlds, spark their nostalgia, and introduce them to new dimensions of gameplay excitement. As a team, we are fueled by the spirit of creativity and the desire to push the boundaries of what gaming can offer. We are excited to embark on this journey, creating memorable experiences that bridge the gap between the past and the present, bringing the best of both worlds to the fingertips of gamers everywhere. Join us as we embark on this exciting adventure, where the classics meet innovation, and gaming magic is born anew.

Want to work together?

If you are interested in licensing any of our games, enquire us for custom games, or sharing any idea please don't hesitate to contact us using the contact form. We are always on the look for new collaborations!

Funny Dreams